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Every item sold by the Museum Shops relates to an exhibit or group of exhibits in its Collection.
Here, Eros, the winged son of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and matrimony, is the source of inspiration for a number of appealing propositions. This particular little 'cupid' appears on an exhibit, a fragment of a water-carrying vessel used to transport water for the pre-wedding bath of a bride and groom (around 420 -410 BC), from the Sanctuary of Nymphe.
Exclusive reproductions
Our reproductions are produced in the Museum’s Conservation Workshops by the same skilled conservators that tend to the Museum’s exhibits. After extended study and experimentation, the cast copies are rendered with faithful detail to the originals while high-quality patina is used for the decorative details. Environmentally friendly casting techniques and materials are used in the production of these Museum standard reproductions.